Saturday, April 12, 2014

Shotgun Wedding #2, Shutter #1, & Twilight Zone #4

Things seem to pick up a little with the 2nd issue or maybe I was just distracted by the all the cleavage, but Shotgun Wedding still manages to leave me underwhelmed. There's nothing bad about the book, but nothing that stands out either. I guess if you dig espionage and military black ops stuff, this will be right up your alley. The Tom Clancy stuff doesn't do much for me, but I'll stick around just to see where this goes.

If you were into The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, you'll probably find yourself liking Shutter. While definitely not as cerebral as LoEG, it has a similar vibe. I was enjoying the book right up till the end, when the pink ghost ninjas and robot barbershop quartet villain showed up. Ummm?

The first chapter of the Twilight Zone concludes in this issue and damn if it isn't good. I won't drop any spoilers, but it's one of those endings that leaves your feeling satisfied. The art has picked up from the first issue; it's still not outstanding, but it's noticeably less jangly. One of the subplots weaved into the first four issue will take over as the next chapter and I can't wait.

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