Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Bunker #3, Conan: The Avenger #1, The Eltingville Club #1, The Fuse #3, The Midas Flesh #5, Sovereign #2, Undertow #3, and The White Suits #3

Maybe it was just me, but this issue of The Bunker seemed to drag like crazy. There's a pivotal moment that sets future events into motion and the whole time it's just like, c'mon, get on with it. A single lackluster issue isn't a deal breaker, but it's still kind of a bummer.

A new Conan title? Fuck yea. Word is that Shadows Over Kush is from an outline Howard wrote before his death, so that's pretty rad. The arts a little different from what I was expecting, not as gritty as most Conan books, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Can't wait for the next issue.

Do you even need me to tell you how ridiculously good The Eltingville Club is? A must read, for sure.

If it weren't for the art, this book would be freaking fantastic. The art isn't even really that bad, it's just not on par with how solid everything else is in The Fuse. Anyhow, the plot thickens as this sci-fi detective story unfolds, as they usual tend to do. You into Law & Order? You into space? Then you'll be into The Fuse.

Last issue of the Midas Flesh I'd said it felt like the comic had hit it's stride, but I may have spoken too soon. This issue fell short. The writing was flat and the plot predictable. Meeeh.

I'm not sure how I feel about Sovereign's blatant re-appropriation of Indian culture for the comic. It wasn't done with malicious intent, but something about it doesn't sit right. Another thing that bugs me is the cartoonish art style. A shame, too because otherwise I'm enjoying this.

An amphibious Atlantean mutant leading a group of early prehistoric humans? Undertow continues to rack up points in the "weird science" field and I'm digging it. Between that and the books unusual art, this is probably one of those books you'll love or hate.

I managed to miss this last week, so here it is now. A hyper-violent gangster noir tale, you pretty much know what you're going to get with this book. There is a surprise or two, but nothing really big. The final issue is going to make or break this miniseries.

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