After another soul-crushing day spent sitting behind a desk, I discovered my car was dead in the office parking lot; the starter had gone out, so I'll be short a few hundred dollars and I missed my Monday night gaming session. I came home expecting to just get shit faced, but was pleasantly surprised to find a package waiting for me:
Yeup, the new Ultra Corps silver dudes from Onell Designs. You'll have to excuse the shitty photography; it's late & I'm tired and these don't do the swirly silver PVC justice. It seems like more people were focused on the glow in the dark Specter Force, but these are what did it for me. As always, I wish I had more cash so I could have snagged more, but here's what I did manage to get:
Advanced Phaseon Enyriun: I've always been kinda meh toward the Phaseons, but the Advanced comes with a hub set that spiffs up it's appearance and the silver really makes it pop in sort of a campy 50's robot sort of way. On the down side, the legs are a little smushed together and it's a bitch to get the dude to stand up.
Gobon: The Gobon is my least favorite of what Onell has to offer, but I actually found myself wanting one of the Ultra Corps ones. Something about it reminded me of Jaxson from Prophet and I just had to snag it. Unfortunately, the marbling is really grody on this sculpt and it looks like there are huge cracks running down the central casing, but it's still pretty rad.
Axis Buildman Argen MK X: This is the Buildman with a new head and and axis joints thrown in and it looks fucking tough. My only complaint, the ridiculously large knees.
Armorvor & Crayboth: Double trouble. I was bitching earlier about the marbling on the Gobon, but on these two it's spectacular. Really spot-on, these two are must haves.
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