Only two issues in, The Bunker is one of the better time travel comics I've read. Instead of focusing on temporal paradoxes and that sort of thing, the book examines how the characters deal with the information given to them by their future selves. Skillfully written, you're given just enough to keep interested, without being able to figure out what's happening next. Definitely something you should be reading.
This issue was nothing but filler. Conan is lost at sea while chasing a Stygian galley, nearly dies, get press ganged by a slave ship that just happens to have several of his former Kushite pirate associates on it, and they mutiny & take the ship. That's maybe 6 pages worth of story, not 22. I dig everything Conan, but c'mon.
For a comic aimed at a younger crowd, this issue of The Midas Flesh deals with some heavy shit; like civilian casualties in war and command responsibility. They manage to pull it off though and it feels like the books has really hit it's stride. Sure, it's not the most serious sci-fi book out there, but it's worth checking out.
If you're one of those people who likes everything neatly laid out in-front of you and thoroughly explained, this isn't the book for you. Why all of Earth's vitros have been put onto a space station and who tried to sabotage it are left unexplained, but we begin to learn more about the crew members on board and their varying feelings toward all the non-vitros on earth. Scope it out, but Pariah isn't the thing for everyone.