Monday, February 24, 2014


Owlcon 33 wrapped up yesterday, which means my entire weekend was spent gaming, with periodic breaks of sleeping and guzzling 40oz of Mickey's at the pub in the basement of the convention. Yes, Rice University has a bar in their student center that serves malt liquor. Anyhow, here's a quick review of the games I got to play:

Cavemaster: This was my favorite of the rpgs I got to play, but due to some of the gamers in the group, also the most frustrating of the 5 session. The C.M. (Cave Master) was one of the game's authors and did bang-up job running the adventure and dealing with two of the shittiest players I've ever had the misfortune to game with. Anyhow, as you may guess from the name, it's a caveman rpg with some fantasy elements thrown in. The character generation & rules were super easy to understand and conflict resolution was done in a novel way, kind of like the player and CM facing off in a shell game. Like I said, my favorite of the games and I can't wait to start a campaign with my group.

Sailor Moon RPG Forgotten Realms AD&D 2nd Ed : Yes, some friends convinced me to sign up for the Sailor Moon rpg with them. The GM, however, mixed things up and brought the stuff for the AD&D game he would run the next day. So, we got to delve into the The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar instead of whatever the fuck thing you do in Sailor Moon. Even though 1/3 of the game time was spent generating characters, it was still a win.

G.A.T.E.: Wish I could give a review about this, but the person running the game never showed.

Mana Punk: I had a good time playing this and the system seems decent enough, but the setting just isn't my cup-of-tea. It's magic-heavy fantasy mixed with steam punk and psionics...a bit too much.

Mutant Future: A redux of the Albuquerque Starport mini adventure from Gamma World, this was fun, but a little rough to play on the con's final morning.  That said, my shotgun wielding, mutant chipmunk cleared the shit out of that space station...

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